Mastercolor Labs Blog

Friends Helping Friends

I have always said that the best part about working at a small photography business is the chance to work closely with friends, and to create images of their families and from their memories.  It seems like just yesterday that my friend Karen Kelly came in to Mastercolor wanting us to create a stretched canvas for her of a really fantastic shot she had captured while visiting Maine on a family vacation.  At the time we were already printing on canvas, but to be honest, we really did not want to get into all the materials and space needed for creating Canvas Gallery Wraps.  Well Karen is one of those special types of people that can tell you what you should be doing without coming across as pushy. Long story short Karen knew our business better than we did, and now Canvas Gallery Wraps are some of our most requested items.

After Karen convinced me how easy they were to make, told me where I could go to buy the stretcher bars, and how popular these would become, Mastercolor produced our first Giclee Gallery wrap with her image of the "Good Ole Buoys". Karen’s Gallery Wrap has been hanging in our lobby ever since                     .

The advice given to me by a close friend has really helped shape the future of our business.  We even designed a separate website just to handle the volume of Giclees and Canvas Wraps we received,

On the weekend of May 14th there will be a fund raising event held in Karen’s honor to help fight the financial burdens that come with the daily battle against ALS.  Karen was diagnosed with ALS or LouGehrig’s disease in 2010 and a group of friends have organized this event to help offset the cost of a lift van for the Kelly family.  It is open to the public and is being held at Brixx Pizza on Westover Terrace in Greensboro.  Cost for the event is $15 for adults and includes music, pizza and beer, the cost for children is only $7.  They will be selling raffle tickets for over 40 great prizes and are holding a silent auction during the event (11a.m.-4p.m.).  If you want to bid online before the event start, please visit the auction using this link. (

A copy of “Good Ole Buoys” signed by Karen will be one of the priceless items there to raise money.  Hope to see you on the 14th.  Please visit Brixx Pizza whenever you are choosing a night out for dinner, I am not sure there is a nicer group of people to dine with in all of Greensboro!

Slow times can be good times

I think everyone would choose to stay busy in their jobs rather than having eight long weeks to wonder where all of your customers have gone.  Unfortunately in the photofinishing industry we have grown use to it.  However, when life gives you lemons, reach out and talk to your customers.

We recently returned from the Carolina Nature Photographers Association convention in Charlotte N.C. which was held at the HiltonCharlotte University Place.  Let me start by saying if your company ever needs to hold a conference in Charlotte I would highly suggest staying here.  The weekend was packed with lectures, workshops and the trade show.  The CNPA was pleased to announce their largest attendence ever for a convention, just under 500 people.  Standing at a table for 10 hours is never something that anyone looks forward to, but talking to photographers that really are still in it for the fun is a nice change.  We spoke with all levels of photographers, but despite the difference in their knowledge, it was great to see that spark of imagination in their eyes.  On the drive home to Greensboro my father and I each commented how much fun it was to be working in an industry that started as a hobby for each of us.  Our table at the trade show was located beside Dan Beauvais of the Outerbanks.  Dan is not only an accomplished photographer, but he is known all over the east coast for repairing both Nikon and Cannon digital cameras.  While at the show he an his partner must have cleaned over 400 cameras, folks were lining up with bags full of cameras for his $30 show special.  If you camera needs repairs or just a good cleaning I would  consider Dan an excellent source.  Contact Dan:

While at the show and while speaking with other customers on the phone we have heard lots of new ideas about different presentaion options for photographs and have decided to expand our mounting options.  In the near future please ask about:

  • beveled edge mounts that will come in Gold, Silver, and Black
  • Flouting mounts for Gatorfoam Boards and Standout Boards
  • Additional Frames from our Printz & GWI lines

If you have suggestions or know of services you would like to see us offer please contact us with your suggestions.


Lifepics/ New for 2011

  •                                   Mastercolor Labs

With the beginning of each business year, all of us at Mastercolor try to reflect on the recent busy season and how we could improve services for our customers.  It is a convenient time for us to tackle this task because January is typically our slowest month.  In 2010 what we already knew was confirmed once again: uploading images is not the most comfortable thing for most digital camera users.  I have discussed the frustrations of how to organize and order your images in my previous BLOGS, but what I want to do is introduce you to a new service that we have finally launched.  We waited until after the Holidays to have a campaign for this service because we wanted our staff to have the extra time to answer your questions.

We have added the Lifepics button on the front page of our website as the fourth option for uploading your images to us.  I want to stress that anyone who is willing to take a moment to tour the ROES software (download here) that this is the most powerful option we offer, and it allows a MUCH FASTER uploading speed. ROES also offers many options that are not available on Lifepics, especially for creating composites

LifePics is much more of a “shareware” option than ROES.  It allows you to select all the images you want to upload and stores them in folders that you name.  Once your images have uploaded you can send an invitation to family or friends to view and order pictures. LifePics allows your invited friends to order from your folders (saving you the cost of printing for them).  A new feature in the LifePics technology allows you to upload any image that you have been “tagged” on in Facebook. This is very helpful when you want copies of those old memories from the 90’s, 80’s and earlier.

Mastercolor Labs

The Lifepics software uploads your images on the FRONT end of your ordering process, just like the software that Shutterfly and Snapfish use.  This is a long process on any site that you choose.  However, you can select different file sizes to upload to increase the speed of the upload, but the smaller the file size the smaller the maximum print size that will be allowed for ordering.

Once the images have uploaded you can order prints, photo calendars, Coffee Mugs, Magazine Cover, Canvas Gallery Wraps, Greeting Cards or any other service we offer.  Within the LifePics network you might also find products that Mastercolor does not produce, but one of the partners in the LifePics system can, for examples a photo blanket or playing cards.

Mastercolor Labs

Why use Lifepics? I think the main advantage is that you can order from a local Lab.  If Mastercolor receives your print order by 10a.m., it will be ready that day for you to pick up.  You pay online either using your credit card or pay pal, and your prints are ready when you arrive.  LifePics also serves as a free option to share your images with a large group (baseball team, church group, class reunion, etc.) without having to “friend” everyone you want to share the pictures with.

We are very excited to offer this new option for sending your orders to Mastercolor, however please feel free to call us and we can discuss what option would be the best for you to use.  Our ROES software is still the fastest uploading option, but with the sharing abilities, and the extra items that are available on LifePics we are confident it will be the best option for many of our customers.



Back to School

CanterburyBlogWell Labor Day has come and gone, all the summer clothes are now stored until next Memorial Day and life is starting to feel a little more normal.  I love summer, I really do, but come each Labor Day I am usually exhausted.  Our summer has been filled with lots of fun trips, great times shared with friends and family, and more cook-outs and tomato pie than I care to count. I have never been so excited to attend a back to school night in my life. I guess I would feel differently about saying goodbye to my kids during the active mid day hours if I felt they were actually dreading going to school (the way I did), but when the first carpool door flew open and my kids burst out of my car without even saying a word, it actually made me feel happy.  On this special day  I exchanged the "I love you daddy" my daughter normally leaves me with  for the  kids' laughter as they departed my car running after friends.  Hearing their laughter made me feel even better  because I knew that they were happy with the school we had chosen. At Mastercolor "Back to School" also has another special meaning: "Back to printing lots of pictures".  Don't get me wrong, we love printing your vacation proofs, a canvas gallery wrap from your favorite scenic spot, and seeing all the wonderful places our customers have traveled when we print their photo books using our ROES software, but nothing makes me happier than strolling through the plant and seeing "units" pour out of the machines.  A "Unit" is how we categorize any design that a school photographer can fit on an 8"x10" sheet.  It can be a 8"x10", two 5"x7"s, a sheet of  8 wallets, two 4"x5" & a 5"x7", or any combination they want to create.waltcomposit Class pictures are very important to us, and they should be equally important to the families that are considering buying the images of their children.  In this age of digital photography we always hear they same claim,  " Why should I buy these pictures when I can produce one myself?". The answer is simple: YOU WON'T.  More than likely you will never get around to taking the picture.  You will never capture the image of your child the same way a professional will  (more than likely your child will not behave like they will for a professional).  If you beat the odds and actually take a quality image, more than likely you will never produce the photograph you set out to do (industry studies show 90%+ of images intended to be printed are still sitting on hard drives across the world). Bert VanderVeen and his wife Becky  of VanderVeen Photographers are very good friends of mine, and they do a wonderful job capturing the faces and personalities of all the children at my kids' school.l1340wrightlou More than anyone I know what extra there is in paying them for their images, and let me tell you it is worth it. The images I have bought through the school are the ones I have on the mantle at home (in front of the images I took myself). I still have the school pictures my parents bought of me, and likely your elementary pictures have been brought out a time or two in your adult life.  There is just something special about your school photos that will always take you back to the memories you had in a certain grade. Do yourself a favor and treat yourself to the professional images of your children.  Your kids will only be this age once, and you will not get a second chance.

Life CAN Imitate Art

You know I have always heard how life can imitate art.  Never meant much too me since in my mind as an average photographer, any art I created through my favorite hobby of photography was created from real life events or things that I had captured with my camera.  Well my opinion changed this week.  As I was hustling around trying to prepare our August 1st online news letter (sign up for it on the front page of our site), trying to pay all bills that will become due next week, trying to end and reward the winners of our "Sunset" photo contest all my mind could think of was vacation!  Yep, I am outta here for 5 days to visit my aunt & uncle and their generous offer to share the old family house at on of the most beautiful places on this earth, MARTHA'S VINEYARD!  The place where I captured my favorite image of my children to date, lighthousedrybrushwhere I proposed to my wife at Gay Head , the place where I learned to fear the water like no other, the place where I saw them film JAWS. Yes life is imitating art.  Shortly after telling a friend of mine that I was headed to the Vineyard, he said with a sly grin, "You have heard about the shark warnings in the area, haven't you?"  I realized (with that  sudden rush over my body like the one Chief Brody felt when relaxing on State Beach and the first cries of a shark attack whizzed through the air) that yes I was taking my family to the same spot where I watched the movie JAWS being filmed. In 1974 I was pulled around by my grandmother to watch as many scenes being filmed as possible, including "the boy on the raft".  We are going to the same island I saw the world premier of one of the most famous horror films of all time. Yes, I was going to the Vineyard as shark bait, and did I mention that it just happens to be "Shark Week" on the Discovery Channel?  So do I take Mayor Vaughn's approach and act like nothing is wrong? or do I take the Chief Brody approach and stay out of the water and avoid my family spilling out all over the town dock like the little Kitner boy?  I guess 38661_1535622754606_1355954785_1439445_1187905_sthe heat will be the deciding factor, because after record temperatures in both June and July in the Carolinas, I am looking forward to a little Vineyard chill. If I listen to Chief Brody, one thing is certain, I will have my camera in tow and capture as many images of this beautiful spot as I can.  I will eat Ice Cream, skip stones on light house beach, and think about the 5 generations of my family that have done the same activities before me.  I can not wait for this vacation!  So when life throws you to the sharks, do what I do... take lots of pictures, and have them developed at Mastercolor using our ROES software.


Yesterday I had a good friend of mine stop by our location to pick up a nice order he had placed for Canvas Gallery Wraps of his children. My friend had ordered 29 16x20 or larger to decorate his house with, and after my many grateful thanks, we talked about the pictures he had captured and some of the problems we had in printing them.  When he initially emailed his files to me, many were low resolution, so we had to track them back to the original files.  Others were GREAT shots of his children, but they were shot too tight to allow for the gallery wraps, so we were forced to apply a colored border for the edges of the prints so we did not wrap the subjects of the prints. (see example below)[gallery link="file" columns="2"]

My friend told me he was excited to hang these prints down at the beach, the same location many of the prints were taken, and I told him to prepare for his future prints and his Christmas Cards.  My buddy is also nice enough to allow Mastercolor to print his Holiday Card each year, and in each year we run into the resolution problems, and the cropping problems so I told him to PREPARE for them.

After my friend left I found myself singing the annoying song from "HOODWINKED", "Be Prepared" in my head.  This cartoon was a constant at my house two years ago, and my kids pulled it out this past Memorial Weekend when my they took a break from the sun and the quick rain shower one afternoon.   As you can tell from the song title, the theme of this song is to "be prepared".  So how does this relate to a Blog on a photography website?  Well most of the prints you see displayed at a family's home are from their summer vacations, or activities that they did outside when the weather was nice.  Of course there is the random "snow" picture or "leaves from Fall " but the majority of the prints people save and later use are taken in the summer, so BE PREPARED.

Be prepared to use these images later.  Be prepared means backing them up properly (see my earlier blog), but in a nut shell :

  1. save your original files twice a month (minimum) from your camera's card to your computer.
  2. Copy those files to a external hard drive,
  3. and for the really cautious, burn your files annually to two sets of DVD's and keep them in separate locations.

I know this sounds over the top, but explain that to another friend of mine who recently lost his hard drive.  His I.T. person compounded the problem and erased what little data there was, and now he is left with only his hard copies.  Which brings up a very valid point, PRINT YOUR PICTURES, and if you do we hope that you will upload your files to Mastercolor using our ROES software.

Be prepared when shooting your images. With digital photography it is so easy to crop when printing so PLEASE, take two steps back before you capture your image, I promise with today's cameras you will not lose any of your resolution on your print  when increasing your field of capture this little bit.  Taking two steps back when shooting  will allow you to  create the extra space needed when framing, allow for the area needed for a Giclee Canvas Wrap, allow you to position and crop in your Holiday card, and overall create a more eye pleasing photograph.  Please keep in mind these basic tips are not for professionals, just those wanting to shoot like one.

Be Prepared means, TAKE YOUR CAMERA WITH YOU!  If you don't have a camera to capture the fun memories as they happen, it will be hard to share them later with your friends and family.  Look for our end of the Summer Holiday Card special.  For a limited time you will be able to save 25% on our already low prices on folded cards.  Don't wait for the seasonal rush, have your cards printed in advance and save on time, frustrations and MONEY!

"Be prepared, be prepared..... unless you gotta sparrrrrreeeeeee"

"Roll film sure made it easier"

There is nothing better about getting together with old friends.  Last night I enjoyed some slices of wonderful pizza and a few beers with some of my best childhood friends at a new Pizza place here in Greensboro, The Corner Slice.  Excellent food at a great price, and you can read about it here.  Half of this group was in town for the High Point Furniture Market, and the rest of us were just out to see our old buddies.  Everyone was asking the typical questions about the important things in life, and soon it was my turn to answer "so how's business?"  I was trying to finish my bite of pepperoni and black olive before the question was followed  up with a statement of "rolls of film sure made it easier than digital."  My friend was making the point that because their first born came at a time when digital was still expensive, slow, and  of poor quality, they used 35mm film to capture their son's early memories. "Catbird", as we call him, pointed out  that when their second came along they bought their first digital camera, and as a result now have about 20% of the number of pictures that they do of their first child.

It really does not have to be that way.  Everyone points out to the fact that it was easy to drop off a roll and pick up you prints.  Like the roll makes you do it????  Well here is a news flash for you:

  • Your old friend "the roll" could hold a maximum of 36 images.
  • A 36 exposure roll would normally cost you  around $4.00.
  • You never got your roll back, so $4 GONE.

Now let's look at your new friend, the digital card:

  • You can buy a 1G card for $6.00.
  • Your 1G card should hold between 150-400 images
  • After you have your prints printed, store your files on your computer, and REUSE!

Now days your card is just like a roll of film, just leave it with the store, and pick it up with your prints. There was a risk when cards use to cost $40, heck even if the lab lost it on your second visit you have still saved money. The one down fall is that you are required to move old files to your computer so that they are not printed over and over again, and it really is not a shortfall because it is forcing you to store your images.

All the time and gas money can be saved  by ordering your prints from home.  I know most feel this is too complicated and they just are not comfortable doing this, but I promise if you do it once, you will never view ordering prints as a frustrating experience again.  There are two types of online ordering.  The first is the most common and is the method most of the big photohouses use to sell their services.  Most online companies have you load all of your images so you and the hundreds of friends and family members that want your vacation pictures (roll eyes) can order from them.  This type of uploading takes what seems like forever.  Come home from a few days at Disney and upload your pictures and I can promise that you will not be using your computer on the internet for a while.  Mastercolor has chosen not to go the shareware route, and we use ROES for receiving images from our customer.  The major difference it that your images are uploaded at the end of your order.  Only the images you wanted are uploaded and this cuts down on uploading time.  You can upload through ROES from the disk or card directly, but this is slower than uploading from a created folder on your desk top.  Another advantage to having them in a folder is that it forces you to back-up your images and store them on your computer.  The same number of images typically will upload between 30%-50% faster in ROES compared to "shareware" due to a compression software within the  ROES program.

Don't make saving your family's memories seem like a chore. On Roes you can create:

  • Trader cards for your kids
  • Canvas Gallery Wraps
  • Panoramic Prints ( New special pricing starting May 1st)
  • Story or Coffee table books
  • Greeting Cards

Give us a call and we will walk you through your first ROES upload, it's easy and it's fun!

Please visit some of my previous Blogs on suggestions for storing your files:

Spring is here, FINALLY!!!

I think the thing I like the most about Spring is CHANGE.  "Change" is all around us.  I would be lying if I said business was "as usual" during the cold of January and February, but the fact is time seems to be standing still during these cold winter months.  However, one of the positives that comes with the lack of orders flowing through our plant is we can plan for change, determine  what changes are needed, and implement changes in the services we extend to our customers.  To prepare for the future at Mastercolor we decided we needed a new printer that could print more 8x10s per hour to meet our commercial needs, but also a printer that could add something to our line that we have been lacking.  Starting May 1st we will be offering affordable panoramic prints sizes 8"x24" to 12"x36".  We recently attended the Carolina Nature Photographers Association convention and one of the main request we received was for us to offer volume pricing on panoramic prints, so please check back with us in May, or join our Email list to receive future notifications about our specials. MColor SPRIN webChange is not limited to the business decisions happening in the office.  Step outside, notice the changes all around you.  I walked out of our office yesterday and looked at a beautiful dogwood in the front lawn of Mastercolor.  All winter this dogwood  looked as if it was not going to make it, but yesterday confirmed my hopes, the buds are on the limbs, and the blooms are right around the corner.  What have you taken a picture of  recently or in years past that let you know that Spring is/was finally here?  If you have a favorite shot please enter your image in our photo contest and possibly win a 16"x24" Canvas Gallery Wrap and a $50 credit.  The winner is selected by the public and you can vote on three different images daily, so tell your friends to select your print and become our second contest winner.  Good Luck! Employees of Mastercolor are not eligible to win the "Spring" contest, but if I was I would submit  the picture I took from my car on my way home yesterday.  I was was driving past Page High School here in Greensboro and I looked with pride at what the Page Alumni and Friends Association had accomplished.  I looked at a hill that was once maintained by Alma Pinnix on a daily basis, but years of neglect had taken it's toll and the ivy had completely taken her over. After hours of hard labor, the hill once again shines with beauty, the beauty that would make Mrs. Pinnix proud.  "The Hill" as we have called it for the past 12 months means a lot to me, and the beauty that popped out this spring was special to me because my son , PHS class of 2021, planted most of the new  daffodils on the bank and they will be there the spring of senior year. KarlAndersonHillweb

March Madness comes in a timely fashion

I'm not sure who coined the term "March Madness", but I do not think there could be a more accurate term for such a  grand event.  It is the time of year where every school in the Division One Basketball has the chance to make it to the Dance.  It comes at a time of year where my work is Maddening: "Why don't you people buy pictures in January and February?"  Don't feel bad you are not alone, nobody buys photos during these months. The Holidays are over, it's cold, most have not seen the sun in four months, your nose is red from the cold you caught from your child's friend for the third time, so there just are not a lot of pretty pictures taken in the first two months on the calendar.   During this maddening time of year Mastercolor gets to re invent itself, and plan for the future and to better our company.  New technology is introduced each year at the annual PMA show, we meet new friends at conventions like the Carolina Nature Photographers Association,PPSC,  or the Jackson Photographic Society, the madness of winter offers a new beginning for our company in the same way the NCAA tournament lends fresh new hope to every team in early March. The Madness is everywhere! Office pools, online hosting sites have contest, friends are ribbing one another, I find it hard to work without checking Inside Carolina to read the latest on the UNC team.  Today when I logged on to Facebook there were five links all taking me to an interview with my Page High School classmate and friend Ken Jeong as he tries to explain the passion of March Madness here on Tobacco Road.  I just can't seem to get away from it, and I am loving every minute of it! Unfortunately my favorite team ended all those hopes and dreams of mine last night, the UNC Tar Heels just could not pull of a miracle run to make it to the dance this season, but I still enjoyed watching them try.  The loss to Georgia Tech was a tough one, but if I am going to watch my team lose I want it to be in the Greensboro Coliseum with 19,000 others 60% cheering against my beloved Heels, while the local favorite boast the largest following by far.  The colors there last night remind me of Spring, a rainbow of enthusiasm jumping out annually in early March.

Rainbow of Colors at the ACC
Rainbow of Colors at the ACC

And speaking of Spring, turn off those T.V.'s, grab your camera, take lots of pictures and send them to you favorite online photofinishers:

Where is your first digital camera?


If you are like most, you rode the excitement wave of digital cameras right after you bought your new computer to avoid any Y2K issues TEN YEARS AGO.  Can you believe it has been ten years?  You remember your first digital camera, you know the 1.5 mega pixel camera that finally released the shutter 2.4 seconds after you pushed the button.  The one that supplied more pictures of your subject half out of the frame than it did with them smiling for the photographer.

Well now that digital cameras are at rock bottom prices you are probably collecting your old cameras and chargers in a drawer for the day you are going to "need" them.  Let's be honest, that day will never come. It is estimated that the average household has 3-4 old digital cameras collecting dust in their home. Your top of the line Pentex Optio 3.2  that fits inside of an Altoids case can not hold a candle to what you can now buy for under a hundred bucks.  So what are you going to do with all of these? Someone has to want them, right? ...YES! you are correct.


Kids Path of Greensboro wants them, and there is no organization that will put them to better use. Kids Path is the children's program of Hospice and Palliative Care of Greensboro and provides home care for children living with potentially life threatening conditions as well as grief support for any child in the community coping with the serious illness or death of a loved one. Kids Path Counselors provide individual grief counseling support as well as Support Groups, a special overnight Grief Camp and workshops.

Pathfinders, the 6 week grief group for teens coping with the death of a loved one, is currently underway at Kids Path and the focus is on Photography.  20 teens have been learning how to use photography not only to express their feelings and reactions related to the loss but also to use photographs as a way of establishing their own voice.  Grieving teens often have a lot to say but no words to say it.  Creating images with digital cameras and working with the Kids Path Counselors and local photographers gives the teens the freedom and creativity of expression that they may not have been exposed to before.  The group culminates in a final Photography exhibit at Kids Path and the teens invite their friends and family to attend.

Most of the families in the program own a digital camera, and Mastercolor wants to help provide each individual with a camera to use and to take home during the program.  Please ship or bring by any older working digital camera that you no longer use.  If you ship a camera in, please include a disk with some of your favorite images and we will be happy to print them and ship them to you for free.  If you want to stop in and drop off a camera, we will be happy to give you a $20.00 gift certificate for any printing needs you may have in the future.

Please help Kids Path of Greensboro, they certainly could use your support.


Our ship to address:  Mastercolor Labs * 2006 N. Church Street * Greensboro NC 27405