Package Printing

Package Printing
Package Printing
Package Printing
Package Printing
Package Printing
Package Printing
Package Printing
Package Printing
Package Printing
Package Printing
Package Printing
Package Printing
Package Printing
Package Printing
Package Printing
Package Printing

Great for sports, proms, schools and other memorable events.

Subject size, lighting, background and composition should be the same for all subjects entered for Package Printing. There is a minimum of 10 files with at least two units from each file. Mastercolor will be more than happy to design and quote on any package you may request. Be sure to center your subject, as these packages do not allow for cropping or centering. Your files should be saved in RGB and JPEG formats. Please take off any channels and flatten layers on your files if you have been using editing software. Each file should be placed in a folder that is labeled with the package letter, for example: “A” or “E”, or in the package description you have created: “ 2 5x7 and 8 Wallets”. Below we have listed some our most popular packages. You may create any package of your choice by combining any two or more full units together.  A “Unit” is any design you desire on an 8x10 sheet of paper, for example: 1 8x10, or 2 5x7, 4 4x5, 8 wallets, 2 4x5& 4 wallets. Volume discounts are available starting with one hundred or more units per order. Do not mix package orders with prints in other categories.  Mastercolor does not print “half units”, so please design your packages accordingly

Frequently photographers sell “add-on” items in addition to their packages.  We sell a variety of products listed under “Novelty Items”, but here are some other photographic items we suggest you try for additional sales:

  • 10”x30” Game Tickets
  • Sheets of 5 standard tickets
  • Magazine Covers
  • Trader Cards,
  • Memory Mates

Mastercolor’s full line of products can be found in our price list, and the templates are available using the ROES software.

Common Packages Style Number of Units
1-8x10, 2-5x7’s ,4-4x5’s & 8 Wallets A 4
1-8x10, 2-5x7’s & 8 Wallets B 3
1-8x10, 4-4x5’s & 8 Wallets C 3
1-8x10 & 2-5x7 D 2
1-8x10, 1-5x7 & 4 Wallets E 2
1-8x10 & 4-4x5’s F 2
1-8x10 & 8 Wallets G 2
1-8x10 & 2-4x5’s & 4 Wallets H 2
2-5x7’s & 8 Wallets I 2
2-5x7’s, 2-4x5’s & 4 Wallets J 2
1-5x7 & 2-4x5’s & 8 Wallets K 2
1-5x7 & 12 Wallets L 2
4-4x5’s & 8 Wallets M 2
Units Per Unit Price
20-99 $1.25
100-199 $1.10
200-350 $.95
351-500 $.90
501-999 $.87
1000 and up $.85