

Lifepics/ New for 2011

  •                                   Mastercolor Labs

With the beginning of each business year, all of us at Mastercolor try to reflect on the recent busy season and how we could improve services for our customers.  It is a convenient time for us to tackle this task because January is typically our slowest month.  In 2010 what we already knew was confirmed once again: uploading images is not the most comfortable thing for most digital camera users.  I have discussed the frustrations of how to organize and order your images in my previous BLOGS, but what I want to do is introduce you to a new service that we have finally launched.  We waited until after the Holidays to have a campaign for this service because we wanted our staff to have the extra time to answer your questions.

"Roll film sure made it easier"

There is nothing better about getting together with old friends.  Last night I enjoyed some slices of wonderful pizza and a few beers with some of my best childhood friends at a new Pizza place here in Greensboro, The Corner Slice.  Excellent food at a great price, and you can read about it here.  Half of this group was in town for the High Point Furniture Market, and the rest of us were just out to see our old buddies.

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