Page High School


Spring is here, FINALLY!!!

I think the thing I like the most about Spring is CHANGE.  "Change" is all around us.  I would be lying if I said business was "as usual" during the cold of January and February, but the fact is time seems to be standing still during these cold winter months.  However, one of the positives that comes with the lack of orders flowing through our plant is we can plan for change, determine  what changes are needed, and implement changes in the services we extend to our customers.  To prepare for the future at Mastercolor we decided we needed a new printer that could print more 8x10s per hour to meet our commercial needs, but also a printer that could add something to our line that we have been lacking.  Starting May 1st we will be offering affordable panoramic prints sizes 8"x24" to 12"x36".  We recently attended the Carolina Nature Photographers Association convention and one of the main request we received was for us to offer volume pricing on panoramic prints, so please check back with us in May, or join our Email list to receive future notifications about our specials. MColor SPRIN webChange is not limited to the business decisions happening in the office.  Step outside, notice the changes all around you.  I walked out of our office yesterday and looked at a beautiful dogwood in the front lawn of Mastercolor.  All winter this dogwood  looked as if it was not going to make it, but yesterday confirmed my hopes, the buds are on the limbs, and the blooms are right around the corner.  What have you taken a picture of  recently or in years past that let you know that Spring is/was finally here?

Best Part of Business

One of my favorite parts of owning a small business is having the chance to work with Friends.  I love having the chance to buy from my friends and I love the opportunity to supply to my friends.  A friendly face can make a difficult business decision that much easier.  My friend Joe Michel built this website 13 years ago.  Well at least he built the original, and since has reconstructed it many times to update our technology through his company,

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