Traditional Film Services

Traditional Film Services
Traditional Film Services

Mastercolor still values the Art of Film! Our business was built on the professional care of handling and processing your film.

Mastercolor still values the Art of Film!  Our business was built on the professional care of handling and processing your film.  Although the majority of our business has transformed to digital processing, Mastercolor still enjoys and welcomes working with our “old school” clients.  Mastercolor can process 120, 220 and 35mm C-41 film. Mastercolor can also print from your processed Black & White film.  Mastercolor CANNOT PROCESS or print 4x5 sheet film, and we cannot print from single cut 35mm negatives or negative mounted on crop cards.  Please see our Scanning Services for details on scanning your film.

C-41 Color Negative Film Processing

Film Price
120 $2.60
220 $5.10
35mm $2.80

Process & Proofs - Color or Black & White

 Film Size  Print Size  Proof Size  Plus Scan to CD  Process & Scan to CD
  3.5x5”, 4x5,
4x6 or 5x5
120 10 exposure  $6.80  $9.90  $5.00+CD  $6.80+CD
120 12 exposure  $7.30  $10.40  $5.00+CD  $7.30+CD
120 15 exposure  $8.45  $12.60  $5.00+CD  $8.45+CD
220 20 exposure  $13.50  $19.60  $7.50+CD  $13.50+CD
220 24 exposure  $14.60  $20.70  $7.50+CD  $14.60+CD
220 30 exposure  $16.70  $22.70  $7.50+CD  $16.70+CD
35mm 12 exposure  $7.55  $10.70  $5.00+CD  $7.55+CD
35mm 24 exposure  $13.10  $21.10  $7.50+CD  $13.10+CD
35mm 36 exposure  $15.85  $23.10  $9.00+CD  $15.85+CD