Mastercolor Labs - Photo Printing - Digital Photography Services - Giclee - Canvas Prints - higher resolution higher-resolution en "How large can I get this print?" Part One. <p>Working at a professional photo lab, there are certain questions we hear a lot.     The number one question:  "How large can I print this digital image?"     The answer:   "It depends."     If the image is not sharp as a 4 x 6, it will NEVER look better as a larger print.    Enlarging the image will only make a soft focus photo look softer (or blurry).   If the focus and exposure are correct, one of the best ways to insure you will be satisfied with an enlargement is to always have your camera set to shoot in high (or large) resolution.    Whether you have a DSLR or a digital point and shoot, </p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">read more</a></p> higher resolution how large can I print this digital image how many megabytes a photo needs to get a great enlargement Photo Preparation Tue, 31 Mar 2009 22:02:03 +0000 cwright 17 at